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Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog! I am a wife to a fantastic fellow and mother to 3 sweet boys. I teach grade 3 at Greenfield Elementary School. This course is providing me with so much information that I can incorporate into my class!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

With each class that passed we've been exposed to so many different apps and technologies that can help our students.  In a recent rally at our school we watched a video of one of my former students, Marcus.  I have his brother this year and both boys have autism. I was so excited to see that he has used an app to create his own video game. The reaction of the students was so great, they were so excited to see what he had done, and his brother was so proud too!  The conversation that resulted from seeing what someone in their own school could do was fantastic!  Not only were the students amazed that someone made a video game, but to see students go up to Marcus afterward to talk to him about what he had did and if he could teach them how to do something like that did worlds for Marcus' self-esteem and socialization with other students.  It really is what I was looking for from this class!  What an opportunity for Marcus and myself! The app Marcus used was 3D RAD.  He made a video racing game "in his spare time", which took about a week. I'm really disappointed that I can't get the clip to load, I'm on a PC and it was taken from a MAC and won't read on my computer.  I can sometimes get the audio to play, but not the video, and it won't post at all. Boo for that, Yay for Marcus!


  1. Yay for Marcus. I am constantly amazed at what kids can do when we believe in them and give them the resources they need. I find with my austistic learners if I create talking opportunities around the areas for whcih they are passionate, they will interact with the rest of the class. We can create classrooms that work for all students. We just need to be willing to do so. Thanks for sharing. Good luck with the new baby :)

  2. Great story! That must have been one of those feel good moments that will stamp who you are as a teacher forever! I love when something so small as an app or software can really change how a student sees their education and themselves. What a great confidence builder!

  3. Thanks ladies! Yes, it was great to see him so engaged with the others as he shared how he created his game. Shows how technology can bring people together in different ways!
